June 19, 2023 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Join us as we bring together some of the leading international speakers and e-commerce sellers for a day of learning and high-level networking. The experts in the room will provide valuable insights and cutting-edge strategies for your business growth.
The event will take place at the Hilton Conference Center, near the well-known Tel Aviv beach. The conference has been designed to bring together the successful Israeli Seller community as well as Sellers from Europe and other regions, providing a space to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and gain knowledge from top industry leaders.
The conference will cover e-commerce-related topics. Attendees will hear from a distinguished group of speakers who have a wealth of experience in managing successful Amazon businesses.
The speakers will share their insights and best practices on a range of topics, including:
1) Advanced advertising strategies
2) Product selection and launching tactics
3) Inventory management
4) Sourcing in new locations
5) Innovative M&A strategies
6) Seller to Seller: How to build a 50M Amazon business
And more!