As the global business landscape continues to evolve, one event stands out as a pinnacle of international trade opportunities – the Canton Fair. With the upcoming edition scheduled from October to November 2023 in China, let’s delve into the essence of this remarkable event and gather some invaluable tips to make the most of your experience.

The Canton Fair: A Brief Overview

The Canton Fair, officially known as the China Import and Export Fair, is an iconic event that has been connecting businesses from around the world for over six decades. Hosted biannually in Guangzhou, China, the fair has become a nexus of trade, innovation, and collaboration. It’s a platform where manufacturers, suppliers, and buyers converge to explore new markets, forge partnerships, and stay abreast of industry trends.

Key Highlights of Canton Fair 2023

Dates and Phases: The Canton Fair is divided into three phases, each featuring specific product categories. Phase 1: October 15–19; Phase 2: October 23–27; and Phase 3: October 31–November 4. Mark your calendar to ensure you’re present during the phases most relevant to your business interests.

Product Diversity: From electronics and machinery to textiles and home décor, the fair covers a vast array of industries. This diversity provides a unique opportunity to explore new products, trends, and potential partners.

Why You Should Attend the Canton Fair

There are many reasons why you should attend the Canton Fair in 2023, including:

  • Access to a wide range of products: The Canton Fair covers a wide range of industries, including electronics, machinery, textiles, apparel, furniture, and food. This means that you can find almost anything you need at the fair, from small parts to large machinery.
  • Opportunity to meet with suppliers: The Canton Fair is a great place to meet with suppliers from China and other countries. This is a great opportunity to learn about their products, prices, and delivery terms.
  • Negotiate prices: The Canton Fair is a great place to negotiate prices with suppliers. With so much competition, suppliers are more likely to offer discounts at the fair.
  • Get insights into new trends: The Canton Fair is a great place to get insights into new trends in the global market. You can see what products are popular and what new technologies are emerging.
  • Build relationships: The Canton Fair is a great place to build relationships with suppliers and other businesses. This can be helpful for future collaborations and sourcing opportunities.
  • Cultural Understanding: You get an opportunity to immerse yourself in Chinese culture, gaining a better understanding of business practices, etiquette, and traditions that can be valuable when conducting business with Chinese partners.
  • Product Knowledge: If you’re a seller, attending the fair can help you gain a better understanding of your competitors, market positioning, and customer preferences. This knowledge can aid in refining your marketing and sales strategies.

How Do You Prepare for the Canton Fair?

Visa Process

The China Visa application must be submitted in person at the Chinese Embassy or your assigned Consulate. You do not have to show up yourself, and many expediting companies will help you get your Visa, both submit and pick up your passport from the consulate, and return it to you so that you never need to leave home.

We advise that you use an expeditor. If you are an American, the online application, COVA, is here:

Choose your country if it is not the US

We highly recommend that you do NOT use the Chrome browser. Edge, Firefox, etc. will all work more smoothly.


Download and use WeChat. You want to project the impression of being a serious businessperson. That means using WeChat in China. Not WhatsApp or Telegram. WeChat is the most ubiquitous platform in China. As soon as you use it, they will take you more seriously, which means they will be more agreeable to lower prices.

Business Cards

In China, Business Cards (called name cards) are part of business protocol. Exchanging name cards is a vital aspect of networking and building relationships in Chinese business culture.


Prepare for the warm climate by packing suitable clothing. Ensure you have comfortable walking shoes. While formal attire isn’t necessary, avoid dressing too casually. Opt for practical clothing that represents both you and your business effectively.

Health Declaration

Before you board your plane, you will have to fill out a health declaration form. Take a screenshot so that you can show it upon entry.…/healthDe…/declare.html

The declaration is good for only 24 hours. If your flight arrives more than 24 after the time you originally applied you will have to visit the site again when you arrive in China and take another screenshot before you enter immigration and Customs. You will need a Health Declaration when leaving China too.


Take RMB with you when you enter China. You will need at least 150 RMB for the taxi ride into the city, so take at least 300 RMB cash with you to make sure you have enough. More on taxis, cash, cards, and payment later.

Entry forms

You will need to fill out an entry form and present it to Immigration. The airline will give you entry forms before you land. Bring a pen with you onto the plane and keep it handy so that you can fill out the form before landing. This will get you through immigration faster.

Airport to Guangzhou / Taxis

After you pass through Customs you will enter the public part of the airport. Head outside and look for the taxi queue. Do not take a taxi from the men hustling outside. Take an official taxi.

Taxis prefer that you pay in WePay or AliPay. So if you have WePay or AliPay, then use that to pay for the taxi. If not, you will need to confirm that they accept cash before you start the ride. (Often, they will not take credit cards.)

The taxi driver will not speak English. Therefore, to confirm that they take cash you should print out the following phrase in Chinese and hold it up for the driver to read.


It means: Do you accept cash?

Because the driver does not speak English you will have to do the same thing for your hotel address. Go online, get the hotel address in Chinese, and print it out for the driver to read.

Once you arrive at your hotel, the front desk will probably have a Taxi Card for you that has the hotel name and address written in Chinese. Take a stack of these. They will always be useful. Even better, take a photo of the Taxi Card too.

SIM cards

There are SIM card vendors at the airport. However, there will also be SIM card vendors at the Canton Fair, so do not stress about getting a Chinese SIM card before you get a taxi to your hotel.

Your Hotel, Your Room, and Water

Your hotel will require your passport and credit card to check-in.

Do not drink tap water. Your room should come with some bottles of water. Use these to drink.

Hotel Prices

In general, hotel room rates in China are relatively low. However, during the Canton Fair, hotel rates skyrocket, maybe 8 to 10 times higher than normal.


There are two types of toilets in China. Sit-down toilets and hole-in-the-floor toilets. (Squat toilets). The bathroom in your hotel room will be a traditional Western sit-down toilet. Use it. When you get to some locations in China, including restaurants and factories, the toilet will be a ‘hole-in-the-floor’. Most toilets at the Canton Fair have been converted to western sit-down toilets. However, whenever you are faced with hole-in-the-floor toilets and want a western toilet, look for the handicapped stall. Most of those will be Western-style.

  • Note: If you are using a hole-in-the-floor toilet, the toilet paper goes into the basket, not the toilet.
  • Note: Bring tissues with you.
  • Note: In some places, you can tip an attendant to give you a tissue.

Security pat-downs

Get used to security pat-downs. They will occur at many places including airports, train stations, and at the entrance to the Canton Fair.

Canton Fair Badges

The line to get your badge can be 2 hours long, or longer. Try to stay at a hotel that offers off-site badges. If you cannot do that, then travel to one of the hotels that offer it and get your badge there, before travelling to the Fair. Hold onto your badge. You will use the same one year after year.

Transport to the Fair Complex

Official Hotels will have shuttle buses to and from the complex. Keep track of your pick-up spot at the Fair.

Didi and Uber

China does not have Uber. It has Didi. However, it is not the same Didi as the one in Australia. The easiest way to use it is to use the Didi app on WeChat. (You can choose English as your language.)


hina blocks Facebook, YouTube, Google, and many other sites. Therefore, before you leave your home country, download a VPN which you can use in China.

You may also want to empower a friend or partner to manage your Amazon account in case you cannot access it from China. Since Google is blocked, you may want to download another search engine such as Bing.


Most booths at the Canton Fair will have at least one person who speaks English. You won’t need a translator and you won’t need to learn to speak Chinese. However, if you would like a translator, they are available for hire at the Canton Fair.

Sourcing Agents at the Fair

You will not need to use a sourcing agent at the Fair. Period. They will not get you the best price. Period.


The complex is huge, plus they have added a new section since Covid, so people who have not attended the Fair since 2019 may be surprised that it has grown. 

  • Note: Each Phase has a different map since they have different products.

Chinese Culture

  • Chinese people smoke. A lot.
  • Chinese people use WePay for everything. Many shops do not take cash.
  • Some Chinese hotel rooms do not have exterior windows. Be aware of this before you reserve your room.
  • China in general is very safe. If you have an emergency, however, dial 110. (Not 911)
  • Forks are generally available in case you are not proficient with chopsticks.
  • When you order water in a restaurant, it will arrive warm. Be cautious ordering ice since some places may make ice with tap water. You shouldn’t have any problem with safe ice at hotels.
  • There are a lot of food options at the Canton Fair including McDonald’s and Starbucks. There are also Halal options.

WePay and AliPay

Life is easier if you have WePay or AliPay. For WePay you need a Chinese Bank account. An alternative is AliPay. Here are some instructions for installing AliPay.….

Canton Fair Workbook

The Canton Fair Workbook is available on Amazon. It has fill-in-the-blank templates for Product Requirements Documents, Product Specs, for having conversations with Suppliers, and factory visits. It will help make communication easier since you won’t have to remember what questions to ask while amid the distractions of the Canton Fair.…/dp/1092138986/ref=sr_1_3…

Canton Fair Trips

Numerous options exist for Canton Fair trips. While it’s not obligatory to join a group for the trip, we believe that your initial Canton Fair experience can greatly benefit from seasoned companions who can offer guidance and familiarize you with the surroundings.

Why Choose Amazing in China for Your Business Adventure?

As e-commerce industry experts, we understand the power of connecting with suppliers, exploring new trends, and forging invaluable partnerships. If you’re asking what sets our China trip apart, it’s our blend of professional expertise and personalized attention.

The prospect of visiting China can evoke a mix of trepidation and exhilaration. With years of experience facilitating successful visits for sellers, we’re here to ensure your journey is worry-free. We encourage you to consider ours. To join the trip, please visit:

Our TakeAway

In conclusion, your journey to China for business holds immense potential. By understanding the visa process, cultural norms, local practices, and essential tools, you’re better equipped to make the most out of your trip. Whether you’re attending the Canton Fair or engaging in business meetings, your preparedness will set you up for success.

Embrace this opportunity, and let the transformative power of the Chinese business landscape work in your favor.